What Does Gen Z Want From a Brand?

what-gen-z-wants-from-brands Gen Z makes up a large percentage of the population, and by 2020 Gen Z will account for 40% of U.S. consumers. Brands that are targeting this consumer group are employing different tactics to appeal to the new “it” consumer. In this blog, we’ll explore one of the key questions brands are asking: What does gen Z want from a brand?


Unlike Millennials who are more focused on having experiences, 60% of Gen Zers want cool products from a brand. They are growing up in a more stable economy and feel comfortable spending their money on what they want. They strive to achieve a high social status and want others to view them as being successful. To reflect this look, they buy products such as well-made clothes and expensive cars. Some brands that Gen Z thinks are cool are Ivivva, Michael Kors, and MAC. Knowing what Gen Z deems as “cool” will go a long way in ensuring a brand’s lasting success.


A brand’s image is very important to Gen Zers. They can spot a phony brand right away. They want to purchase from brands that aren’t trying to be cool or feeding into fads. When brands stay true to an established image, Gen Zers view them as being more appealing and genuine. This generation also cares about doing good in the world. That’s why brands such as Coca-Cola, who support anti-bullying initiatives, are also more popular among this generation. The products that this group buys reflect their values and beliefs, so Gen Zers will not support brands that are associated with things they consider negative. Brands whose values are similar to those of Gen Z are doing increasingly well. If a brand genuinely fits the image that the Gen Zers want to give off, Gen Z will buy.


Personalization among brands is nothing new, but Gen Z is making it clear that they don’t just prefer it. They demand it. They want a personal connection that makes the brand feel more human. To do this, many brands have loyalty programs that send promotional information to customers based on their known preferences. This generation also values uniqueness, so brands that have items that are uniquely associated with them, while still remaining socially acceptable, are a Gen Z favorite. One example of this is Shop Jeen. They sell all things Gen Z, which are pop-culture heavy and over-the-top, that break the boundaries many other traditional brands place on their products. Brands that create a personal experience for their customers and support social causes, all while creating desirable products, will be very successful. Some brands may need an image refresh, but as long as they know what this new age of consumers wants, they will earn their loyalty. A final piece of good news for brands –Once a Gen Zer’s loyalty is earned, 32% said that they would be loyal to a brand forever.

Be on the lookout for the next Gen Z Blog, coming out soon! Please visit us at pointintimestudios.com or call us at 800.208.1267 for more information and to subscribe to our weekly blog and video posts. We hope you learned something new about what Gen Z wants from a brand. Pointintimestudios.com 800.208.1267 LA • PHX Sources: contently.combusinessinsider.comama.org

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